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Timothy J Parenti

PHP Portfolio

  • Time Zone Map for English-Language Internet Broadcasts – Time zones and accurate timekeeping are particular passions of mine. Tired of converting time zones manually, people saying "GMT" when they mean "BST", daylight-saving time differences, and just general frustrations with time zones, I created this simple utility to (hopefully) eradicate any confusion about exactly when "when" is. Time zones are presented on a map because the plain-text lists of world times that other sites usually offer don't always seem to cut it. Supports permalinking.
    • Public-facing, but receives limited use. Although it's serving my purposes well, someday I'd like to create something even more visually-oriented to tackle this problem.
  • Seven-Day Graphical Weather Forecast – Pulls XML weather forecast data from the National Weather Service for a specified location in the US, as well as climatalogical data such as normal min/max temperatures for the time of year, and plots them along with calculated sunrise and sunset times in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand interface.
    • Work in progress under private development for the time being. As of 20 Jan 2011, forecast icons are still a bit buggy. The code doesn't degrade nicely and throws all sorts of unseemly errors when the source data are somehow unavailable. Renders best in Firefox for now; not even trying with IE at this point.
  • Pool of Randomness Bracket Challenge – An NCAA tournament bracket pool which, unlike normal brackets, allows picks for games later in the tournament to be edited for a lesser point value. Automatically locks picks at the appropriate time, scores entries based on manually provided "winners" list and the timestamps of the picks, and allows easy "swapping in" of bracket data from one year to the next.
    • Coded in 72 hours preceding a successful public launch on 13 Mar 2011 with 15 users. Hoping to integrate into a Facebook app for the 2012 tournament.
  • Flickr Link Shortener/Expander – A simple utility to convert long links to photos on Flickr into shorter "flic.kr" links so that they can be posted on Twitter or other character-limited media.
    • Public-facing, but under limited development. As of 10 Jun 2010, can only take photo ID numbers manually extracted from URLs; would like this to be automatic eventually.
  • SCKmobile – A mobile-web interface page I created to write notes to myself (Files), send short emails (Message), and check the radar and weather forecasts from my phone when I travelled without Internet access (gasp!) without jumping all around the Web and incurring outrageous charges. Text-based weather forecasts pulled directly from the National Weather Service.
    • Hasn't been touched since 6 Jan 2009; some broken links as a result.
  • Divide By Zero – Created a basic setup for the distribution of my friend's (long-since dormant) webcomic, Divide By Zero. Includes paging through comics, a random comic function, an RSS feed, and a password-protected file upload page. Automatically resizes images which may be too large to display properly, while still retaining the original.
    • Upload page only accepts JPEG-formatted files, but since the site has been dormant since 12 Dec 2008, there's no practical need to change this at this time.
  • Personal Calendar – Places my numerous calendars from Google Calendar in one convenient location, while allowing the user to specify an alternative time zone for viewing or a specific date to generate a permalink to a given week.
    • Link provided shows week of 5 Apr 2010 in US/Eastern Time, as my normally busy and overly-structured calendar is going through a surprisingly free-form phase.
©2007–2024, Timothy J Parenti. All rights reserved.